News flash! You don’t have to be in charge (have authority), in order to lead. You don’t need a title to make a difference. All you need is the right intentions and the right insights and you can make a difference in your organization.

“If you’re going to risk and maybe fail, fail at something that matters. Fail gloriously so that even in failure, lives change.”
Leadership development doesn’t happen overnight, it’s developed over a lifetime. Let that sink in. It’s easy to be misled when you see the success of someone today, not knowing what they went through yesterday. That’s because leadership is a daily process, it’s not accomplished in a day.
Many of us are guilty of rushing the process. I know I am guilty of wanting tomorrow’s results today, without going through yesterday’s grind to get there. Are you guilty of rushing the leadership process?
During my football days, I had many coaches tell me, whether it was before a game or before my studies too, “Get your mind right.” What they were really saying was something needs to happen in my mind first, in order for me to have success on the field or in life. Mindset is truly a game changer.
One key reason why some people don’t achieve their dreams is because they want changed results without changing their mindset first. You can have all the talent and skills in the world but if your mental game (mindset) isn’t right, you won’t succeed.
Tell me if you’ve heard this before about the path to success, “If it was easy then everyone would be doing it”? Generally speaking, many of us start off on the right path in life but for some reason, we veer off the path and can’t quite seem to stay on the path to success. I believe it’s due to the lack of setting boundaries.
There’s a story of a broad/wide road and a narrow way. The broad and wide road leads to destruction, leads to failure, and so many people are on this road because it’s the easy route.
Then there are only a select few people who decides to take the narrow way that leads to life, that leads to success. This road is more difficult. The key difference between the broad road and the narrow way are boundaries.
How important is “influence” to you as a leader? Do you find yourself more focus on attaining a fancy title or reaching a certain position? Leadership isn’t based on position or fancy titles. Leadership is Influence.
I had the privilege over 15 years ago to attend a conference where I heard one of the world’s leading experts on leadership, John Maxwell, talk about his bestselling book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.
Have you ever wondered what’s the secret to success? I’ve read a lot of books, observed a lot of successful people, and I’ve actually come to the conclusion that there is really no secret to success. That success is actually wrapped up in a four letter word: WORK.
Legendary coach Vince Lombardi once said, “The only place where you find success before work is in the dictionary.”